Attacking a Hospital is Uniquely Evil
Yesterday, a gunman attacked Saint Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Just a week after the senseless shooting in Uvalde, our partners and friends at Saint Francis had to endure a lockdown with their patients under threat of violence.
Attacking a hospital is uniquely evil. The patients at Saint Francis work so hard to get better, as hospital stays can be long, uncomfortable, and traumatic for anyone. Parents and caregivers are by their kids’ bedsides around the clock, working to ease their hurt. Doctors, nurses, techs, child life specialists, janitors, cafeteria staff, and volunteers have all committed their working lives to make Saint Francis as safe and comfortable as possible. This gunman threatened the sense of security and safety in the hospital for everyone.
Child Life Specialists experience the vicarious trauma of their patients every day. These professionals dedicate themselves to caring for the sickest pediatric patients, and now their practice includes responding to active shooters and shielding patients.
There is a gun violence crisis in this country. Firearms are now the leading cause of pediatric deaths and have become a primary concern for the child life field. These children and the staff who care for them are already facing obstacles that few of us can fathom, and now their medical concerns are compounded by the escalating threat of gun violence. Hope for Henry implores you to keep the victims and their caregivers in your thoughts and do whatever you can to keep your community united and safe.